GSoC 2019 Project [ Rubyplot ] discussion


Planned progress
Implement show function for GR


  • Implemented a basic show function for GR backend


  • If after calling show on a figure, a plot is added to a subplot and then write is called then the figure is not as expected. This happens for both the backends(similar incorrect figure is drawn)
  • the device argument is always kept as a file, which indicates saving the figure. Another option is window which is for displaying the figure. This argument can be removed, I will look into this soon.


  • solve the bug for consecutive show and write calling
  • complete the blogs
  • Create a list of plots
  • implement ticks

I have booked my visa appointment and I need to travel to Bombay for it and hence I will not be able to work on 11th, 12th and 13th. I will cover for this by working extra after returning.

Did you try using a variable to indicate change of state as we had discussed over the call?

Yes, I did try it but it had some issues related to calling the init_output_device and stop_output_device functions. I will explain the issues in more detail in todayā€™s call.

I couldnā€™t work on 10th and 11th July due to my visa application and appointment.


Planned progress
Documentation for show function


  • Had the weekly meeting with @v0dro
  • Improved the show function
  • Tested with different combinations of the show and write and changing the plots in between


  • Suppose I call the write/show function and then add a plot in a subplot without initializing, it doesnā€™t work. But if it is initialized again, it works. So, it is necessary to initialize again after calling the write/show function.
    The same thing happens with matplotlib, initialization is necessary. @v0dro
  • GR backend does not wait at the show function, suppose I call it two times, it shows the first time for a very short amount of time and then the second one for longer, is there any way to stop it at a show function and allow the user to keep it displaying for however long the user wants and then when a command is given then the code is executed further, @v0dro could you help me with this?

Meeting summary
Summary and To-do list:

  • Discussed optimizing the show function without having to save the is_initialized state variable
  • Discussed the device argument


  • complete the blogs
  • Create a list of plots
  • implement ticks


Planned progress
Working on the plot function


  • Looked into the plot function frontend
  • Corrected the tests for plot function, changed the unit of the input of sin and cosine from radians to degrees


  • The backend of the plot function uses Line2D(draw_lines) and draw_markers which are already implemented for Magick except for the line types and some marker types.
  • The plot function currently either plots lines or markers, but ideally, it should do both (if specified)
  • For the format of fmt argument, the string format should be decided, options are keeping it short like matplotlib or having full strings
  • There should be different options for marker_fill_color and marker_border_color and line colour
  • Magick backend can not plot a figure having size 400 cms


  • Complete the blogs
  • Create a list of plots
  • Implement remaining marker and line types
  • Work on Plot
  • Implement ticks

Yes. Use initialization for now.

Hmmm Iā€™m not too familiar with this part of the GR backend. However I do remember that Pranav had tried to do something similar with GR. Hereā€™s the script that he made:

I havenā€™t used this script in a long time but as far as I remember, it does work.

Yes. This should depend on the format string provided by the user.

Iā€™d prefer both. Ruby symbols with full names or strings with shortcuts like in Python.

Just throw an error.

Also, finish the blogs faster.


gets doesnā€™t work, it waits for some time (I think this is GR default) and then gives this error:

  1. Rubyplot::Axes b: #Rubyplot::Backend::GRWrapper:0x00005572753e6150. #plot! plots a simple plot with plus marker of green color
    Failure/Error: hold = gets

    No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - --t=focus
    /# ./lib/rubyplot/backend/gr_wrapper.rb:350:in ā€˜getsā€™
    /# ./lib/rubyplot/backend/gr_wrapper.rb:350:in ā€˜getsā€™
    /# ./lib/rubyplot/backend/gr_wrapper.rb:350:in ā€˜stop_output_deviceā€™
    /# ./lib/rubyplot/artist/figure.rb:116:in ā€˜showā€™
    /# ./spec/axes_spec.rb:118:in ā€˜block (3 levels) in <top (required)>ā€™

I will make the necessary changes.

Iā€™ll figure a way for this


Yes, theyā€™ll be done by Wednesday EOD


Planned progress
Working on Plot function


  • Worked on format of fmt argument
  • Added error handling of large figures for magick backend



  • Complete blogs(Will be done by Wednesday)
  • work on plot function
  • Implement remaining marker and line types
  • Create a list of plots
  • Implement ticks

I was not able to work yesterday (16 July) as I had to make arrangements for my visa appointment (I have been called again for it). I will be having my visa appointment tomorrow(18 July) and hence wonā€™t be able to work today and tomorrow due to traveling. However, I will try to complete the blogs during my travel.
Sorry for the inconvenience @v0dro

Marker type symbols:

dot .
plus +
asterisk *
circle O
diagonal_cross x
solid_circle sO
triangle_up ^
solid_triangle_up s^
triangle_down v
solid_triangle_down sv
square q
solid_square sq
bowtie b
solid_bowtie sb
hglass h
solid_hglass sh
diamond d
solid_diamond sd
star s
solid_star ss
tri_up_down ^v
solid_tri_right s>
solid_tri_left s<
hollow_plus h+
solid_plus s+
pentagon p
hexagon hx
heptagon hp
octagon oc
star_4 s4
star_5 s5
star_6 s6
star_7 s7
star_8 s8
vline |
hline _
omark o

Line type symbols:
solid -
dashed ā€“
dotted -.
dashed_dotted --.
dash_2_dot -ā€¦
dash_3_dot -ā€¦
long_dash ā€”
long_short_dash ā€“
spaced_dash -
spaced_dot ._.
double_dot ā€¦
triple_dot ā€¦


Planned progress
Working on Plot function


  • Finished implementing the frontend for the plot function
  • Had a weekly meeting with @v0dro


Meeting summary
To-do list before 2nd evaluation starts:

  • Implement the plot function frontend (done)
  • Create a list of plots
  • Complete the blogs
  • Implement the remaining marker and line types, as many as possible


  • Complete the blogs
  • Create a list of plots
  • Implement remaining marker and line types

@v0dro Some of the marker types of matplotlib differ from Rubyplot and hence these are the characters assigned for each marker type, colour and line type:

          'b' => :blue,
          'g' => :green,
          'r' => :red,
          'c' => :cyan,
          'm' => :magenta,
          'y' => :yellow,
          'k' => :black,
          'w' => :white

      '.' => :dot,
      ',' => :omark,
      'o' => :circle,
      'v' => :traingle_down,
      '^' => :traingle_up,
      '<' => :solid_tri_left,
      '>' => :solid_tri_right,
      '1' => :solid_triangle_down,
      '2' => :solid_triangle_up,
      '3' => :solid_tri_left,
      '4' => :solid_tri_right,
      's' => :square,
      'p' => :pentagon,
      '*' => :star,
      'h' => :hexagon,
      'H' => :heptagon,
      '+' => :plus,
      'x' => :diagonal_cross,
      'D' => :solid_diamond,
      'd' => :diamond,
      '|' => :vline,
      '_' => :hline

      '--' => :dashed,
      '-.' => :dashed_dotted,
      '-' => :solid,
      ':' => :dotted


Planned progress
Working on Plot function


  • worked on blogs



  • Complete the blogs
  • Create a list of plots
  • Implement remaining marker and line types

[RUBYPLOT-GSOC][DAILY][22 - 26 July] 2nd phase Evaluation

Worked on Code review and the blogs


Planned progress
Writing plot function tests




  • Write tests for fmt argument of the plot function
  • Complete the multi plots blog
  • Look into iruby notebooks

[RUBYPLOT-GSOC][DAILY][29 July] iruby

Planned progress

Looked into iruby notebboks codebase



  • Integrate Rubyplot with iruby notebooks
  • Complete the remaining blog
  • Make a list of polts

I will be unavailable to work from 30th July to 3-4 August due to packing, traveling and shifting to France for my bachelorā€™s thesis.
I had already included this in my timeline and hence my project wonā€™t be affected.
Sorry for the inconvenience and I will cover up by working extra in the coming weeks.

[RUBYPLOT-GSOC][DAILY][5 August] iruby

Planned Progress
Integrating iruby with Rubyplot

Tried to set up Rubyplot on my laptop but rmagick installation is giving some errors

I will find a solution for the errors and will continue the work


  • Set up Rubyplot
  • Work as planned